Profhilo For Bioremodeling

Profhilo is a very high concentration of Hyaluronic acid (same material as used in dermal fillers) injected in the superficial subcutaneous layer of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in our skin. Its most important role is retaining hydration and maintaining collagen production. Unfortunately, hyaluronic acid production slows down as we age and leads to loss of volume, skin elasticity and skin appearing dull and dehydrated.

Profhilo differs from traditional fillers in its viscosity. Where dermal fillers fill specific areas of volume loss and wrinkles, Profhilo has a high flowability and disperse uniformly just under the dermis. In contrast with dermal fillers, it will not produce contour irregularities. Profhilo can be used on its own or in combination with other anti-wrinkle injections or fillers.

  • Duration procedure: 15-30min
  • Anesthetic: local topical
  • Risks: low
  • Duration results: +- 6months
  • Recovery: no downtime

Prepare to meet the confident more youthful you!